The Dilemma of High-Functioning Depression

The Dilemma of High-Functioning Depression

High-functioning depression, or dysthymia. may be harder to detect than major depressive disorder (MDD) because the people living with it are often high achievers who make you think everything is […]

Who Likes To Be Alone?

Who Likes To Be Alone?

Why do some people go to great lengths to have the chance to spend time by themselves, while others find solitude painful and forever crave company? The most obvious answer […]

The Cerebral Mystique

The Cerebral Mystique

Neuroscience gives us invaluable, wondrous knowledge about the brain – including an awareness of its limitations More than 2,000 years ago, the semi-mythical father of medicine, Hippocrates of Kos, challenged […]

Look Up From Your Screen

Look Up From Your Screen

Children learn best when their bodies are engaged in the living world. We must resist the ideology of screen-based learning A rooster crows and awakens my family at the farm […]

The Psychology of Happiness

The Psychology of Happiness

The psychology behind happiness – how positive affect is quantified and what influences happiness. Just how happy are you? Do you ever wish for a life that brought more moments […]

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

Understanding the roots of self-sabotaging behavior can help us to find fixes that will make our lives more successful and less conflicted. Do you ever find yourself rushing so much […]

Struggle With Emotional Intensity?

Struggle With Emotional Intensity?

If you are emotionally sensitive, there are mental defences you can use to help, like reappraising threats as challenges or distracting yourself from the pain. But if you find these […]